To the north of the tiny town of Ravenswood Bluff is Teensyville, a village which matches its name almost exactly. Where the Bluff has its town square, surrounded by a scattering of a dozen or so cottages, Teensyville merely has its five or six houses around a patch of dirt large enough to be called a plaza.
But today, a tremendous evil lurks over Teensyville. A force far larger and more cruel than any that Ravenswood Bluff has ever witnessed, something perhaps closer to a god than a demon. The townsfolk are terrified into perfection, knowing that they cannot get this wrong without dooming the town; nay, the world. The outsiders are simply terrified into madness and lunacy, their minds collapsing under the immense force of the Leviathan presiding over all. Yet others in the town let the fear enter them, corrupt them, mutate them into goblins and arachnid creatures, their human shells fit to burst with the malevolence within.
So the townsfolk fight back the only way they can. They gather their most creative spirits, the ones who know and see the world just a little bit differently to everybody else, and they let those viewpoints meld and merge into a seething mass of contradictions until the truth shines anyway. They cannot sit idly by, but they will remain Laissez Un Faire.